Dive into the world of X-ray and electron detection with DECTRIS blog.
In the world of materials science, understanding structure-property relationships is key to designing innovative materials with enhanced optical and electronic properties. Dr. Anna Krawczuk, a junior Professor at Göttingen University, is at the forefront of this pursuit, combining experimental and theoretical approaches in quantum crystallography. Recently, she has been leveraging a one-of-a-kind setup that integrates an Excillum MetalJet X-ray source, a Bruker goniometer, and a DECTRIS detector. In this interview, she shares insights into her research and how this unique instrumentation has transformed her investigations.
We, DECTRIS, stand as a famous supplier of X-ray detectors in the Chinese laboratory market. We are deeply committed to supporting our Chinese clients by navigating through obstacles such as geographical distances and internet limitations. Keen to learn about our offerings? Delve into an engaging interview with Mifang Lu, Senior Regional Sales APAC Manager, and Marcus Mueller, Senior X-ray Analytics Product Manager, to uncover more about our innovative services and solutions!
As 2024 unfolds, we at DECTRIS are glad to share the highlights of our recent journey back to China. This trip was a landmark trip for us, filled with significant milestones and enriching interactions.
A purpose-built electron cryo-microscope, running at 100 keV, promises to reduce the cost and complexity of studies on biological structures.
How do Hybrid Photon Counting detectors contribute to breast cancer research, and how is DECTRIS involved?
May 19, 2023 was the 109th anniversary of Max Perutz’s birth. Who was he, and how did he contribute to identifying the first protein using X-rays?
DECTRIS renews strong connections with the Chinese scientific community and distributors by visiting them in person after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.
Thoughts on the International Women’s Day from a DECTRIS female scientist
A talk with Rolf Bachmann, Electrical Engineer at DECTRIS
Learn about the inner workings of the electron microscopy facilities at the PSI in this interview with Dr. Elisabeth Müller and Dr. Emiliya Poghosyan!