Dive into the world of X-ray and electron detection with DECTRIS blog.
In the world of materials science, understanding structure-property relationships is key to designing innovative materials with enhanced optical and electronic properties. Dr. Anna Krawczuk, a junior Professor at Göttingen University, is at the forefront of this pursuit, combining experimental and theoretical approaches in quantum crystallography. Recently, she has been leveraging a one-of-a-kind setup that integrates an Excillum MetalJet X-ray source, a Bruker goniometer, and a DECTRIS detector. In this interview, she shares insights into her research and how this unique instrumentation has transformed her investigations.
How do Hybrid Photon Counting detectors contribute to breast cancer research, and how is DECTRIS involved?
May 19, 2023 was the 109th anniversary of Max Perutz’s birth. Who was he, and how did he contribute to identifying the first protein using X-rays?