
Dive into the world of X-ray and electron detection with DECTRIS blog.

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X-ray Crystallography
X-ray Crystallography // 07.03.2025

In the world of materials science, understanding structure-property relationships is key to designing innovative materials with enhanced optical and electronic properties. Dr. Anna Krawczuk, a junior Professor at Göttingen University, is at the forefront of this pursuit, combining experimental and theoretical approaches in quantum crystallography. Recently, she has been leveraging a one-of-a-kind setup that integrates an Excillum MetalJet X-ray source, a Bruker goniometer, and a DECTRIS detector. In this interview, she shares insights into her research and how this unique instrumentation has transformed her investigations.

X-ray Crystallography // 03.11.2023

How do Hybrid Photon Counting detectors contribute to breast cancer research, and how is DECTRIS involved? 

X-ray Crystallography // 23.05.2023

May 19, 2023 was the 109th anniversary of Max Perutz’s birth. Who was he, and how did he contribute to identifying the first protein using X-rays?