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X-ray Crystallography
Success Stories // 28.06.2018
Three very different laboratories have upgraded their diffractometers to make exciting science possible and improve ...
Corporate news // 20.06.2018
Thirteen OEM representatives joined us to learn how the EIGER2 R 500K can help deliver better data to the end user.
Corporate news // 12.06.2018
The new EIGER2 X CdTe series of detectors brings high spatial resolution to high photon energies
Corporate news // 03.06.2018
SRI was one of the highlights of our year. You packed our lunchtime seminar to hear about EIGER2 X CdTe and made our ...
Success Stories // 18.05.2018
The X-ray crystallography facility at UCSD has recently installed an EIGER R 1M detector. How are they getting on with ...
Success Stories // 11.05.2018
Three MYTHEN2 3K and one MYTHEN2 2K in a single lab. An amazing group to run them!
Success Stories // 24.04.2018
Billions of plastic bottles could be properly recycled with the help of a PET-degrading enzyme whose structure has just ...
Success Stories // 27.03.2018
A researcher group from Göttingen is using consumer-grade computers to cope with big data, produced with DECTRIS ...
Corporate news // 19.03.2018
Unite Technology, our distributor in China, visited us in February. They trained extensively in the commissioning, use ...
Corporate news // 26.02.2018
Shimadzu and DECTRIS signed a frame contract regarding the delivery of MYTHEN2 R 1K detectors for SHIMADZU’s X-ray ...

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