X-Ray Diffraction
Whatever your favorite X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) technique may be, here is some good news: you cannot underestimate its power! High standards have been set in all XRD techniques, and new venues are being opened at a very fast pace.
The same goes for hybrid-pixel X-ray detectors. For more than a decade now, these detectors have combined the advantages of direct X-ray detection with photon-counting to provide high-quality data in terms of resolution, no-noise performance, high speed, and an extremely long life cycle. Continuous developments are still creating new features, and the resulting detector portfolio is so wide and versatile that all scientists, with some help and guidance, can find the ideal detector for their endeavors.
Choose your technique and take a shortcut through our wide variety of hybrid-pixel detectors and their applications. You will also gain an understanding of detectors’ features and see how they are used by your peers to reach the optimum in your target technique: from low to high energies, from synchrotrons to laboratories, and from perfect single crystals to nanomaterial.

Macromolecular Crystallography (MX)
We offer the right solution for every setup: synchrotron or laboratory, low or high X-ray energies.
Read moreChemical X-Ray Crystallography
Get high-resolution data in static and dynamic measurements – even for disordered samples.
Read morePowder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD)
High spatial and temporal resolution, sensitivity to impurities, and operating reliability.
Read moreX-Ray Diffraction Computed Tomography (XRD-CT)
Great performance in five dimensions: three spatial, one scattering, and one temporal.
Read moreLaue Diffraction
Do you want to measure thick samples, or weak signals with short exposure times? Our hybrid-pixel detectors deliver.
Read morePtychography
Our detectors offer super-high-resolution imaging at the ultimate speed, based on Coherent Diffractive Imaging.
Read moreResidual Stress Measurements
Obtain reproducible and accurate measurements, even for in-situ experiments.
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X-Ray Scattering
For fifteen years now, you have been using hybrid-pixel X-ray detectors to count X-rays that are scattered from various materials: protein solutions, nanomaterials, precipitates – you name it. Things have been great: the detectors’ noise-free performance, high sensitivity, vacuum compatibility, and reliability have contributed to data collection and correction protocols at synchrotrons and in laboratories. Overall, hybrid-pixel detectors have changed the way X-ray scattering experiments are done!
But where do we go from here? Synchrotron beamlines are looking into scanning techniques such as SAXS-CT and ptychography, while laboratories are bringing SAXS, WAXS, and PDF closer to synchrotron standards.
And what about hybrid-pixel detectors? Our portfolio is expanding; smaller pixels, a second energy threshold, continuous readout, and a higher frame rate are the features to keep an eye on.

Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS)
Sub-millisecond time resolution, complex samples, automated beamlines, vacuum compatibility… “Happy Scatterday!”
Read moreWide-Angle X-Ray Scattering (WAXS)
We have optimal solutions for both options: WAXS simultaneously, or interchangeably, with SAXS.
Read morePair Distribution Function (PDF) Analysis / Total Scattering
The requirements for a detector to capture 3D SAXS data are high, but the results are very rewarding.
Read moreSmall-Angle X-Ray Scattering Tensor Tomography
The requirements for a detector to capture 3D SAXS data are high, but the results are very rewarding.
Read morePtychography
Our detectors offer super-high-resolution imaging at the ultimate speed, based on Coherent Diffractive Imaging.
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X-Ray Spectroscopy
The use of hybrid-pixel detectors in X-ray Spectroscopy techniques might sound exotic, but already the first generation of MYTHEN and PILATUS detectors were tested for X-ray Fluorescence, EXAFS, and XANES at synchrotron sources. What advantages does this offer? Noise-free performance, large sensor areas, and an ability to discern very weak and very strong signals. These developments improved data and time resolution, and they also enabled even more unique techniques, such as XRF-CT.
An equally significant push forward was also made in laboratory applications. The combination of the detectors’ technical specifications, compact size, and availability first opened a path to WD-XRF spectrometers and then continued to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. No, this is not a typo: the first hybrid-pixel detectors have been integrated into commercial EXAFS and XANES laboratory spectrometers!

Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (WD-XRF)
Get higher resolution, a wider spectrum, and shorter exposures – even in lab spectrometers under a vacuum.
Read moreX-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy: EXAFS and XANES
Get single-shot data collection, volume profiling, and high resolution – even in the laboratory!
Read morePlasma Spectroscopy
Off-shelf and custom-made detectors, all noise-free, give you real-time feedback on your experiment.
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X-Ray Imaging
In order to see the internal structure of materials, objects, devices, and biological samples, a selection of techniques can be used. These include simple phase-contrast imaging, 3D tomography, and scanning techniques, based on scattering or diffraction signals; and coherent, diffraction-based imaging. Although these techniques feature different experimental setups and data-processing algorithms, many of them have the same basic requirements when it comes to an X-ray detector: a small pixel size, a sharp response, and high efficiency for low and high X-ray energies.
Below, discover the PILATUS3 and EIGER2 detector families and their uses in diffraction and scattering tomography, XRF-CT, ptychography, grating-based X-ray interferometry, spectral imaging, and high-resolution micro- and nano-computed tomography.

X-Ray Imaging Radiography and Computed Tomography (CT)
Our detectors’ pixel size and sharp response are ideal for direct-imaging applications.
Read moreX-Ray Diffraction Computed Tomography (XRD-CT)
Enjoy accurate results in five dimensions: three spatial, one scattering, and one temporal.
Read moreSmall-Angle X-Ray Scattering Tensor Tomography (SAXS-CT)
The requirements for a detector to capture 3D SAXS data are high, but the results are very rewarding.
Read moreCoherent Diffractive Imaging (CDI)
Coherent imaging beamlines resolve structural details beyond the diffraction limit by using classical CDI, Bragg CDI, or newer ptychographic imaging.
Read morePtychography
Our detectors offer super-high-resolution imaging at the ultimate speed, based on Coherent Diffractive Imaging.
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