A decade ago, X-ray absorption beamlines discovered the benefits of hybrid-photon-counting detectors: a high dynamic range, noise suppression, high efficiency for a wide range of X-ray energies, and speed. Area pixel detectors facilitated the collection of X-ray absorption data in-situ, as well as sample depth profiling and detection of trace elements.
Newer detectors, such as EIGER2 models, offer two thresholds for further suppression of noise and continuous readout, thereby speeding up data collection. At the same time, creativity in experimental setups can be achieved by using multi-modular MYTHEN2 detectors to optimize space and spectrum coverage, or by designing a custom detector with optional specific-energy calibrations.
EXAFS/XANES spectrometers came to laboratories only recently, and some researchers have already embraced hybrid-photon-counting detectors. Early examples include a homemade spectrometer based on the microstrip detector MYTHEN, while recent (commercial) solutions use EIGER2 area detectors due to their small pixels and two energy thresholds.
- Detect weak and strong signals with a high dynamic range and good efficiency for a range of X-ray energies.
- Our linear and area detectors are also readily used for other X-ray Spectroscopy techniques.
- We offer optional vacuum compatibility and low-energy calibrations.
EXAFS & XANES at Synchrotron Sources
- You can suppress higher energies with a second threshold (EIGER2).
- We offer flexible geometries, and any number and type of MYTHEN2 modules operate at 1 kHz with a 24-bit dynamic range.
- Utilize scanning techniques and take fast dynamic measurements with continuous readout (EIGER2).

Most Frequently Used Products at Synchrotrons
EXAFS & XANES in Laboratory Spectrometers
- Our detectors offer high efficiency over a wide range of X-ray energies.
- Suppressing higher energies with a second threshold (EIGER2).
- Pixel and strip X-ray detectors with easy integration and budget friendly.